Sunday 10 November 2013

Week 1 Done - Feeling Good

So, as promised, I'm going to do weekly blog updates to track my progress for the next 15 weeks!

Week 1 was great! Started out not-so-great, though, when I saw the number on the scale. I gained some weight - I weighed 265.6 on Monday morning. The good thing is, I can lose it! The bad thing? I need to lose around 7lbs per week to reach my goal. Oh, Joy! But it's possible as long as I keep focused. 

Today is Weigh-in Sunday and I'm at ...... 259.4 !!!

I lost 6lbs this week! I'm so excited to be in the 250's again. 

My next goal is to reach 254lbs which is pre-babies weight! Talk about a Phat Chick Fist Pump!

This week was hard, but good. I tried some new foods, such as Tofurkey. If you know me, you know I LOVE meat. Love. But I know that I need to branch out and try new, healthier foods in order to get/stay healthy. I was actually extremely impressed with Tofurkey. I only ever eat chicken or turkey on sandwiches/wraps, and its definitely a great alternative to meat. And the best part? It tastes exactly like turkey! The texture was weird, but I got used to it pretty quickly. 

I also have a new obsession: Liquid Nutrition!

If you've never heard of it, check out their website. Delicious shakes with food combinations that you would never think to try! Peanut butter and kale? Beets and strawberries? But they are honestly theeeee best drinks around. And perfect for on-the-go if you dont have time to make a meal.

Exercises. I've done a lot of different ones this week. Everyday I do squats, crunches, lunges, jumping jacks, push-ups, planks, and wall-sits. I've also been doing Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD, as well as some seriously sweat-inducing workouts from the Nike Training Club app! (if you can, download it. i love it!) 

So, I'm sure there's a burning question in the back of your minds ... Did I cheat this week? Yes. Yes, I did. My cheat day was Friday. We went out for dinner, and I was all ready to choose something healthy. I opened up the menu, and BAM. There was absolutely nothing healthy on the menu that I would eat. Ugh. This is why I constantly try to try new foods. Anyway, I ended up having a bacon cheeseburger and fries ... and to top it off, that night I had 4 rum and cokes! (I have relatives visiting from Ireland, so obviously we went out to the pub). 

This week (and in the weeks that follow) I've decided to give myself a cheat snack, once per week! (I chose Sunday nights as I love to curl up on the couch and watch Once Upon a Time!) 

I'm also going to increase my water intake, and try a few different foods! 

All-in-all, it was a good week. Even though I had a MEGA cheat day, I got back on track and rocked this week with a 6lb weightloss!

Stay tuned for weekly posts, and of i'm feeling up to it, I'll post yummy recipes!

Happy weigh-in Sunday! Stay fabulous! 


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