Sunday 6 October 2013

Sunday Funday

Hey Phat Chick fans!

I had a crazy busy weekend! 4 cakes & 138 cupcakes, plus I went out on the town with some awesome friends for a few bevvy's! It was a wicked time, but i'm happy the hangover has finally disappeared.

I don't normally go out to the bars, mainly because they make me feel old. I swear everyone that's out nowadays is under age. Plus, the way most of the girls dress is awful. C'mon ladies, a little self-respect goes a long way! No one needs to see your crotch or your nipples, fyi.

But for the first time in a LONG time, I felt wicked. Eating healthy & exercising has given me an unreal amount of confidence! Plus, I've lost 5lbs! Woohoo! Anytime I ever went out to the bar, I was always so self-concious. I wondered if people were judging my outfit, hair, make-up or my size, ans I never ended up having a good time. But last night I rocked it. I was confident, I smiled, I danced, I felt beautiful! It's amazing how good you feel when you change your lifestyle. When you not only see results, but FEEL them as well, your entire attitude takes a 360° spin.

The weight & inches are coming off slowly, and I like it. I used to be obsessed with needing to lose weight fast and I always failed on those fad diets. But right now, I'm happy. I'm comfortable. I'm getting my self-respect, self-esteem, and self-worth back. I've lost almost 30lbs since I gave birth to my son, and honestly, I feel fucking fantastic! Seeing the numbers go down on the scale, and especially feeling my clothes getting looser, has given me so much motivation and willpower to keep going. Seeing the looks on my babies faces everyday remind me why I'm doing what I'm doing, and why I can't quit. They are my reason for everything, they're the reason I breathe.

This coming weekend I'm getting pictures of my beautiful little family taken! And I can't wait, which definitely speaks volumes as I HATE having full-body pictures done. But the
same photographer is taking pictures of me once I lose my 100lbs, and I can't wait to be able to see the comparison between the two shoots! (PS he's a super talented photographer, check out his fb page:

So, as I said, I've lost 5lbs and only have 7 more to lose to get back to pre-baby weight!

I'm super pumped! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, follow my journey, and show your support! I love you guys!

Happy Sunday!

PS, can't forget about a Sunday Selfie! *muah*