Wednesday 8 May 2013

Sticks & Stones

"Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones, But Names Will Never Hurt Me"

How many of you remember saying this as a child?

I do. I said it a lot.

Recently, I found this picture.

How true is this? Although we pretend the names don't hurt, or think we have "tough skin", the words cut deep inside of us. I can tell you that I remember every single negative thing that was ever said about me. All the names, jokes, snide remarks & comments. And I can even tell you WHO said it. While it's easy to just brush it off, it's nearly impossible to forget it.
Reading this brought all the memories flooding back, and even tears to my eyes. I remember faking sick quite a bit because I just didn't want to be at school anymore. I didn't want to endure any more teasing. As an adult, I can deal with it a lot better.

Recently, I was called "Beautiful". Yes, that was the exact word. When I heard it, I didn't know how to react. I'm not good at recieving compliments because they have been few and far between in my life. That one word gave me so much confidence, it was unreal. Hearing it lit a fire inside of me. YES, I AM BEAUTIFUL. I may not look like a Victoria Secret model (as most of us don't), but I am beautiful. We all are. It's something that we can't forget. There are a lot of times where I need to remember this. It doesn't matter if you're "fat" or thin, tall or short, what race you are, or your gender. YOU are beautiful. It's time for the world to start seeing that.
I saw an article today that was circulating on facebook. I was absolutely appauled and disgusted when I read it. People wonder why there are so many young (and old) men and women starving themselves. It's because of douchebags like this.
It's time to take a stand. It's time to show the world that it doesn't matter what you look like, we're all beautiful. Stand up. Be PROUD of who you are. Be confident. Be beautiful.

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