Monday 8 April 2013

No Pain, No Gain

My heart starts racing.
Sweat beads my face.
Lots of pain.
Tightness in every muscle.
I think I'm having a heart attack.
Yes, there's definitely something not right.

And then ... Relief.

1 push-up down, 29 to go.

If there's one thing I hated more than anything, it was exercise. Why would I want to feel like I'm dying, then have the pain be 100x worse the next day, only to do it all over again?!

Only recently have I actually gotten to LIKE exercise. Yes, that's right ... I enjoy it! Never though you'd hear that, eh? I realized that I can change my eating habits, but if I'm not being active, I will never reach my goal!
Instead of spending money I don't have on a gym membership, I bought a Jillian Michaels DVD (Ripped in 30 Days), and wrote out a list of exercises I can do in a 10-15 minute period. They are: 50 squats, 50 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, 30 jumping jacks, 30 lunges. The first day I worked out in 3 years, I literally thought I was going to die, or at least pass out.

But, I survived. And I survived the day after that, until slowly it was a little bit easier each time. Now I actually look forward to the work outs. I look forward to challenging myself more (when I can make the time). I'm excited to look back and say "Hey! I can do 50 manly push-ups without stopping!" Because right now, I do the girly ones. On my knees, ankles crossed, looking ridiculous - you know, I'm not even sure they're very effective. Maybe I'm doing them wrong. Either way, I'm happy. I'm nowhere close to being fit, but I'm on my way.

Take the time to workout. Even if it's just 5 minutes, or going for a walk around the block.

"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

Happy Sweating!



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