Tuesday 9 July 2013

Out With The Old

And in with the new!

These past few weeks I've been feeling pretty down. There's been so much happening all at once; moving into a new place, lots of cake orders, doctor appts, and my Mom had surgery. When you have no time to sit back, relax, and breathe, it's hard to stay positive. You become a Debbie Downer. Your "bad luck" flourishes. You're in a bad mood every day. It starts to affect people around you. 

Well that's what happened. I turned into a Negative Nancy, and I hated it!

But I'm done with the negativity. Sometimes you need a fresh start. You need to "block and delete" the people in your life that bring you down. You need to focus on the good, and only the good ... Lift your head up and continue to be awesome! 

This weight-loss journey has been hard. Hell, no one said it would be easy. Actually, there are a few people who believe that I won't do it. Who would love nothing more than to see me fail. But I won't. I've said it before; "Let your haters be your motivators." I will succeed. I will lose 100lbs by February 21st, 2014. I will rock an awesome bathing suit next summer. I will be happy, and I will never again let anyone tell me that I won't or don't deserve it. Sometimes you need an asshole to tell you that you won't do it, or don't deserve it, to truly believe that you DO! 

So, from here on out, anyone that tries to bring me down or keep me away from my goal will be chucked out of my life as far as I can throw them (which, in all honesty, won't be that far - I have zero upper body strength. I really need to work on that! But you get the point). 

I bought a little notebook at the Dollar Store the other day (I must have about a thousand of them now - slight obsession), and I've written down EVERYTHING; starting weight as of right now, what my weight is every week that I weigh-in, what I'm planning on rewarding myself with for every ten pounds that I lose, what my goals are for each day, foods to eat, foods to stay away from. It's a constant visual that I need. I need everything in front of my face. I need to keep on track and stay motivated. 

One major thing I've been lacking with for the last few weeks is exercise. I've used every excuse in the book lately to not exercise. Mainly the "I don't have time". Well, my girl friend wouldn't put up with that. She said "everyone has time to exercise!" She told me to get sticky notes, and write down an exercise (be it squats, wall push-ups, lunges, jumping jackes, etc), and place each sticky note somewhere in my house. Now every time I go to the bathroom I do 10 squats; when I walk past the wall by my fridge, I stop and do 15 wall push-ups; when I go in the living room I do 15 lunges per leg ... It's incredible how many times I pass these places, and how often i've been exercising! I'm not sitting down doing a 20-60 minute exercise everyday , but I'm still working out ALL day. It was probably the best advice I've gotten for exercise (Thanks, Shauna!) So, if you feel you have no time, no energy, no room ... QUIT THE EXCUSES! Do exactly what I did, and you'll be amazed at how much you've worked out in a day. Also, buy a pedometer and everyday walk more than you did the day before! People think that you need to get out and exercise (yes, we all love fresh air and sunshine), but sometimes that's not possible. 

I also asked for help via Facebook on eating tips. I really, really suck at eating healthy. Mainly because I'm picky - suuuuuper picky. But I was astounded at the number of messages I recieved from my friends telling me what they do, easy snacks they eat, and meal plans! The support I've recieved throughout this journey is incredible. It's on going. It keeps my spirit alive and keeps me on track. 

If you're on the same journey, or thinking about starting, just remember: It's NOT easy. It won't be easy. You won't look like a Supermodel in a week (seriously, who wants their ribs showing anyway?). You WILL fall off the wagon, but you'll get back on and succeed. Prove the assholes wrong. Don't have motivating friends? Get rid of them. Stay positive. Stay happy. Stay healthy. 

I believe in YOU and if there's ever anything you need, just ask. We can do it! 
